All about JLPT Levels
Published: 2024-06-07 09:44:32
If you want to advance your understanding of the Japanese language or want to be sure of your present level of proficiency, taking the JLPT, or Japanese Language Proficiency Test, makes sense.
The advantages of learning Japanese are numerous. After studying the Japanese language, you can take advantage of many chances. But in order to increase your chances, you must first take the JLPT exam.
By taking the test, you may find out how competent you are and receive an official certification that is acknowledged and accepted all around the world.
Here are the details of all the levels of JLPT:
N5 - The novice level
A student who successfully completes the N5 course will be able to read and comprehend common Japanese expressions and sentences. The learners will be able to hear, grasp, and participate in everyday discussions.
By the end of the course, students will be able to read and comprehend hiragana, katakana, and basic kanji. Additionally, they will be able to follow leisurely, gentle dialogues.
The next action to be taken is to require students to take the JLPT N5 level after completing the N5 course.
JLPT is conducted twice a year, in July and December. New Delhi, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Santiniketan, and Salem (Tamil Nadu) are the eight JLPT centres in India.
N4 - The level just below intermediate
One will learn to read and understand chapters on familiar subjects written in simple vocabulary and kanji in this pre-intermediate level Japanese language course.
One would be able to read and comprehend passages on common daily issues written in simple language and kanji after taking this course.
The next action is to require students to take the N4 level of the JLPT after finishing the N4 course.
N3 – The Intermediate level
The ability to comprehend summaries of information, such as newspaper headlines, will be taught in this intermediate level Japanese language course.
One would be able to read and comprehend written documents with specific information pertaining to common issues after taking this course. Additionally, one will be able to read slightly complex writing found in everyday contexts and comprehend the key ideas of the text.
The next action is to require students to take the N3 level of the JLPT after finishing the N3 course.
N2 – The Pre-Advanced level
One will learn to comprehend Japanese used in a variety of everyday settings and circumstances in this pre-advanced level Japanese language course. They will also learn to read materials written on a number of topics, such as articles, magazines, and manga.
One would be able to read and comprehend written information easily after taking this course. One will also be able to follow conversations and TV shows with clarity.
The next action is to require students to take the N2 level of the JLPT after finishing the N2 course.
N1 - The highest level
In this advanced level Japanese language course, students will learn how to read and understand materials written on a variety of topics, including articles, magazines, and mangas. They will also learn how to understand typical Japanese written in Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji, used in a variety of day-to-day situations and circumstances.
One will be able to speak, interpret, and write Japanese fluently after taking this course.
The next action is to require students to take the N1 level of the JLPT after finishing the N1 course.